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The Importance of Your Surroundings

After a slow and comfy weekend at home, I am now excited to start a new week. Unfortunately, much has changed since Corona, so that many of us don’t get to see our friends and colleagues on Mondays. This is why, I have been focusing on little things that have made my Mondays more exciting and special.

Today, I have spend some time decorating my apartment and putting up flowers, as you might have already seen on my instagram account. First, I bought myself beautiful tulips and put them all over the house. I immediately thought that the rooms seemed brighter and more ‘alive’.

While taking care of the rest of my chaos and spraying fragrance all over the place, I slowly noticed a shift in my mood. I was now ready to sit down and to write out my goals and to-dos for the week. I suddenly felt such motivation, that I also wanted to organize my work, my groceries and my workouts. I realized how, after having organized my entire apartment, I was now eager to also bring my life, and especially my internal world and wellbeing, in order.

It can be very difficult to take care of things that truly matter, the things that are meaningful to us, if we are not also taking care of our surroundings. Chaos around us often calls for chaos internally as well.

This is why, my tip this week, is for you to look around yourself and to notice if there is something you could change. Something that is bothering you, that demotivates and maybe even triggers you. Sometimes, the world looks entirely different after taking a close look at our surroundings and making some small changes.

As your health coach, I do not only focus on your nutrition and exercise, I pay special attention to all the other things that play an important role in your life. Whatever it is that is keeping you from living a happy, healthy and fulfilled life, will be discussed and worked on in health coaching. Whether it is problems at work, arguments with friends, worries in regards to finances, or disturbances in your surroundings, all of these factors have an enormous impact on your physical and mental health.

So, this week, go and buy yourself some beautiful flowers in your favorite color, clean up your room and create an atmosphere you enjoy being in. Observe what it does to you and pay close attention to how this small change in your surrounding makes you feel.

If you have any questions or would like some support in regards to a different topic, please feel free to reach out to me for a free consultation.

The Importance of Your Surroundings
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