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The Importance of Your Surroundings

The Importance of Your Surroundings

After a slow and comfy weekend at home, I am now excited to start a new week. Unfortunately, much has changed since Corona, so that many of us don’t get to see our friends and colleagues on Mondays. This is…

The 'Cycle'

The ‘Cycle’

I have always been a very active child. I loved being outside, running, playing sports and dancing. I have felt free and simply strong within my own body whenever I would move. Unfortunately, things changed when I started working out…

How to Improve your Sleep

How to Improve your Sleep

How much do you usually sleep? Have you ever noticed a shift or change in your day, depending on how much you have slept? Sleep plays such an important role in our lives. The more sleep deprived we are, the…

Food Combining

Food Combining

I have followed food combining for a few years now and it has definitely changed my life for the better. I used to feel bloated after every meal, wondering why certain foods left me in such discomfort. I started eliminating…

What does a health coach do? Annina zu Eltz

What Does a Health Coach Do?

“Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches are uniquely positioned to bring about lasting change in the lives of individuals all across the globe and help spread the ripple effect of empowered health and happiness”- IIN. A lot of people have asked me…

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